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Trafalgar Schools Federation

Trips, Visits and Curriculum Experiences

At Trafalgar Schools' we plan a wide range of visits, trips and curriculum experiences that support and enrich our children's learning across all subject areas and Key Stages. Last year these included:

Reception children welcoming a farm to our Meadway site for the day.

Year 1 children visiting London Zoo and Y2 children visiting Strawberry Hill House and The Stockyard at Bushy Park.

Year 3 visiting a local church and taking part in a Stone Age workshop and Year 4 visiting a Gurdwara and taking part in a Roman workshop.

Year 5 visiting the Natural History Museum and Twickenham Apiary and Year 6 visiting Kew National Archives and a Hindu Mandir. Year 5 and 6 also went on residential trips to Juniper Hall and Kingswood.